Sunday 3 July 2011

Remind me - Why did I have kids again?

I cannot remember ever asking my parents why they had us. I’m not even sure I ever really wondered about it. I do remember my brother and me threatening each other with being adopted. At the time that seemed like the worst “insult” to dish out (kids and their imaginations – gotta love em).
Anyway a few weeks ago, while enjoying a peaceful moment under the shower, I found myself trying to remember what possessed me to have kids in the first place? You know those moments where you have to remind yourself of all the blessings they bring ;-) so that you can look past all the sleepless nights, the tantrums and the lack of me time. I wondered will they ever think to ask me and if they did what would I say. 
Well at that moment in the shower I had an epiphany: we have kids so that they will grow up and have kids, so that they will finally know what they put us through and at the same time give us a chance to enjoy the wonders of childhood without all the downsides.
Now I just hope my sons pick good woman who will be happy to share their kids with their mother-in-law. Ok I better rephrase that… I better make sure I am the best mother in law in the world :-)