Monday 16 May 2011

Toddler tantrum survival instructions

Should you find yourself in the vicinity of a tantrumming toddler, after negotiations have gone south and all attempts at reasoning have succeeded only in raising the level of hysteria, do as follows.
1. Activate nerves of steel.
2. Trigger vacant stare.
3. Install ear plugs. If these are not available increase the volume on TV or radio, or if neither is present, just start singing really loudly.
4. Commence with evasive action. (be super careful if you are wearing heels and be prepared for the ball and chain effect)
5. During steps 1 to 4 it helps to laugh inwardly at the sheer absurdity of the situation you presently find yourself in. Depending on your location you could also laugh out loud, hysterically, which may have the desired affect of frightening your toddler into a stunned silence (better known as shock-and-awe treatment)
6. As tempted as you may be, never ever loose your cool or raise your voice, as this is seen as a sign of weakness and will result in a victory for the toddler.

Remember the timeframe of tantrums will vary, you are always allowed to pray for a shortened version but please bare in mind very few of these are awarded.

Finally, once all screaming has ceased, and a state of calm has returned always, always follow up with a great big hug and a "I love you".

Good luck