Thursday 25 August 2011


Such faith, such trust....I feel it emanating from him. When he grasps my finger in his tiny hand I can't help but feel invincible. 

I have to be, after all this little being believes in me... so I have to believe in myself.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Just 15 minutes, peeez

I'm happy and perhaps even, in a weird way, a little proud of myself that my kids seem to love spending time with me. This must mean they like me, right, which is a great thing cause that means they'll stick around even when they outgrow needing me. 

I've always thought it's one thing to be loved by your children but another if they like you too. 

And God knows I like my kids. Just like any parent, I think they are the coolest brightest most loving kids in the world and I love spending time with them.  I love reading with them, building puzzels, making playdough snakes and snails, even rough housing on the couch. I love hearing them laugh over the smallest, silliest things. I love when Lucca gets so excited he can't help but babble away and I love trying to figure out what it is that Leo is trying to tell me.

But sometimes, just sometimes I hear a voice screaming in my head "Just give me 5 minutes of peace and quiet...please..."

Of course there are moments in the day when they become engrossed in one thing or another, but there are two of them, they are boys and one of them is under 2 so you guessed it, it never lasts long.

That leaves me with two options... wait till they go to bed or seek refuge in the shower. 

But how many showers can you take in a day so maybe I should consider putting myself in a time out.

Monday 15 August 2011

Bees, dogs, fear

Bees and dogs may smell fear, but kids smell weakness.

Whether it is due to lack of sleep, accumulated frustration or just low levels of patience; they will spot it, hone in on it and play up to it.

So how do we beat them? Well they say positive attracts positive, so does that mean if you fake a smile at a time you least feel like smiling it will have the power to improve your day and fool the kids into behaving themselves?

I reckon it’s a theory worth testing…I’ll let you know if it works.